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Tehsil Ravulapalem, District Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Konaseema (Amalapuram) Andhra Pradesh, Bharat

It is the Entrance of Konaseema, and located in National Highway 16 (Kolkata - Chennai).It is the Main Entrance to Amalapuram (the one and only Municipality)in Konaseema. It is famous for Banana Market.

Ravulapalem Town and Mandal Headquarter,
East Godavari District,
Andhra Pradesh,
PIN Code 533238

Recent city comments:

  • Goluguri Surreddy General Stores, VR (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    hi all of you
  • Goluguri Surreddy General Stores, VR (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
  • Little FLock Lutheran Church, rajkimar (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Its our beautiful church In ravulapalem eastgodavari andhrapradesh
  • Ravulapalem, Vinod Reddy (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Sri Maruthi Electricals and General Stores, Ring Road, Opp. MRO Office Ravulapalem. Sri Vidya Sai Dry Fruits and Masala, beside MRO Offie, Ravulapalem
  • Ravulapalem, omega99 wrote 11 years ago:
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Ravulapalem on the map.

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